
“I find it very helpful, I use it every day to find other contractors”
Michael Carpenter, Garner Environmental Services
“Stewart, you always surprise and amaze me! What a great idea. This must have taken a lot of work, certainly it will require finishing and on going maintenance. Keep me informed of your progress (API should be sponsoring this in a big way) We should discuss that potential.”
John Parker, Parker Systems Inc
“G’day Stewart, I sent you an email a week or so ago to let you know that I tried and used the facility and thought it was sensationa absolutely excellent… Keep up the great work!”
Don Johnston in Melbourne AU
“Hey man, this is pretty cool! Lance Wilcox”
“Thanks Stewart. Very cool. Looking forward to seeing BCO on there! Craig S. Dougans, Manager, Operations/Maintenance”
Burrard Clean Operations
“Soon after I had spoke with you on the telephone, I had several credentialed contractors call me to offer their services. These vendors were within minutes of my facility and were able to supply their price list and a spill response agreement that satisfied the new SPCC requirement. The cleanupoil website allowed me to accomplish this task with a few emails and phone calls. You have provided a very efficient service, thanks!”
John Davis, Environmental Engineer, US Airways
“Buckeye Pipeline Company uses cleanupoil.com as an important resource to help make sure that we are prepared for the worst. It is, by far, the best emergency response resource web portal in existence today!”
Marty Mengel, Supervisor, Environmental Affairs, Buckeye Pipe Line Company, Emmaus, PA
“cleanupoil.com provides a great way to stay current with both good fundamental practice and new technology. It provides an informative source for collaboration among the entire response and regulatory community. Keep up the good work!”
CAPT Mike Egan USCG – Chief National Response Center
“cleanupoil.com is an excellent resource for locating contractors and services. It can be useful to government and industry, as well as homeowners looking for someone to remove their underground heating oil tank.”
Matt Darcangelo, Environmental Engineer, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
“You are doing such a good job with your little book, and it is a very valuable service for the industry!”
Cynthia Hudson, Hudson Marine Management Services, Cherry Hill, New Jersey
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cleanupoil.com is a unique web site that offers unrestricted access to key information required by oil spill responders. This free access encourages viewers to come back time and again, this shown by the large number of user sessions we experience every month.
Why not take advantage of this high level of interest and get your company in front of all these spill professionals!
cleanupoil.com does not only rely on the internet for promoting awareness, you will find us at trade shows, conferences and exhibitions specializing in oil spills and hazmat.